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Saturday, September 15, 2012


Politics. It isn't a subject I like to breech very often. All the conflicting ideas. People tend to get really upset when you don't see things their way. Human nature I suppose. Being the top of the food chain makes us a bit prideful at times. We get too wrapped up in the "I'm right and everyone else is wrong" attitude.

I have opinions, you have opinions, the other guy has opinions... blah blah blah. The deal is we all have our own thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. It is what makes us unique. It is what makes us human. Some disagree less and some don't agree on anything, but what we all have in common regardless of our beliefs, thoughts, or opinions is that we bleed red. Well unless you are an alien hiding among us humans with some weird blue white blood or something. The point is we are all human and we all have the right to vote.

Nothing burns me up more than to hear someone say they don't vote because it doesn't matter. We fought long and hard for this right. Blood mixes with sweat throughout history, some not so long ago, to ensure we have the right to vote. I for one fight a little tear each and every time I vote as I think of those who gave everything to ensure I had that right.

So no matter what you think or feel, find the candidates that align most with what is truly important to you and ensure you are registered to vote. It isn't hard and it isn't time consuming, but it is important. And don't forget that you aren't just voting for a president. There are many offices to fill and those offices will shape the future of our country. If you don't vote and it goes bad you've no one to blame but yourself. Your voice deserves to be heard. Now go get registered.

And that, ladies, gentlemen, and those in-between, was my public service announcement for the night. Until next time... BUBBLES!!!

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