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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Road Etiquette

I'm not talking about driving etiquette or cutting someone off. I'm talking about more like what goes on with the car or in the car. Let me explain.

I'm driving down the interstate in the middle of rush hour traffic. Cars are everywhere. I'm just going along when suddenly I feel that horrible feeling of a foreign object in my nose. Naturally this isn't something I would be able to do in the presence of polite company, but I'm all alone in my car. Right? So I reach up there and remove the pesky thing and that is that.

Then it hits me. I'm not alone. There are cars everywhere. And in those cars are people. What if someone saw me? What if I run into this stranger at the grocery store and they give me this weird look that says, "Whoa! that is the dude from the interstate the other day that picked his nose". Hey. It could happen.

So I start paying closer attention to the cars around me to see if I'm the only weirdo. It would appear not.

There is a truck not far from me that it would appear ran over some garbage that got stuck on the underneath that the owner is either oblivious too or just doesn't care to let his garbage fly. It is just flapping around waving to all the passerbys. Well that is one for my team I guess. So I continue looking.

Not far ahead of me is a small car with something dangling from underneath the rear bumper. I get closer to investigate. It appears to be some kind of large key chain that is a cartoon resemblance of a guy in baggy pants. The way it is dangling and flopping while the car is in motion makes it look like the guy is hanging from the gallows. I'm embarrassed for the owner of this car now.

So apparently I'm in good company. Road etiquette is obviously not closely monitored. Or is it? You decide, but meanwhile Ladies, Gentlemen, and Those in Between... Bubbles!!!

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